Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that impacts many people that have more sedentary jobs that require repetitive movements. For example, a person who spends a good deal of the work day seated and working at a computer is a candidate for carpal tunnel syndrome. Because many individuals suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome, or at risk for the condition, it is important for people to understand the essential factors associated with carpal tunnel syndrome.
Supportive fibrous tissue surrounds the wrist. A space exists between this fibrous tissue and the wrist, which is called the carpal tunnel. The median nerve traverses through the carpal tunnel, transmitting sensations from the hand.
If the fibrous tissue surrounding the wrist, and forms the carpal tunnel, becomes enflamed, the tissue presses on the median nerve. This can result in numbness and pain.
Although members of both sexes can suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome, women are three times more likely than men to become afflicted with this condition. Over 3 percent of the working population is diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome annually, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
As mentioned previously, repetitive motions involving the wrist represent the primary ways in which carpal tunnel syndrome is caused. Although this type of repetitive movement commonly is associated with office related work, like working on a computer or typing, other types of activities also can give rise to carpal tunnel syndrome. For example, certain sporting and recreational activities also result in the development of carpal tunnel syndrome in some cases.
Some people are under the misperception that surgery is the typical course of treatment for a person afflicted with carpal tunnel syndrome. The reality is that there are non-invasive alternatives, like physiotherapy, that are effective means of treating carpal tunnel syndrome.
A course of physiotherapy, overseen by a professional, works to lessen the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome on a more immediate basis. Moreover, physiotherapy can also eliminate the underlying swelling or other condition that gives rise to carpal tunnel syndrome in the first instance.
For many individuals, particularly when treatment begins during the early stages of carpal tunnel syndrome, physiotherapy represents a truly effective course of therapy. In fact, when a person receives physiotherapy in a timely manner after being diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome, that individual typically will not have to face the prospect of surgery to address the condition.
The first step in seeking physiotherapy to address carpal tunnel syndrome is scheduling a preliminary consultation with a professional who specializes in this type of treatment. During a preliminary consultation, an evaluation is made of a patient's condition. In addition, a treatment strategy is mapped out for an individual afflicted with carpal tunnel syndrome.
A person needs to keep in mind that early diagnosis and treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome, specifically physiotherapy, is crucial. Medical experts advise that early intervention will protect a person from suffering from permanent nerve damage caused by a carpal tunnel syndrome condition. If early intervention and physiotherapy does not commence, a person may be left in a position in which there is no alternative but to undertake surgery.